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All monies raised from our fundraisers help us continue to update our equipment to continue to serve our communities. Our main 2 fundraisers are the Annual Chester Humphrey Cookoff in April and The Annual Turkey Shoot in October.

Annual Turkey Shoot

Turkey Shoot

October 19th 2024



The food prepared is always cooked and prepared the day of by our members and their Wives.

Brisket Sandwiches w/fries 

Sausage on a stick  


1st Prize 

Trailer Mounted BBQ Pit  

2nd Prize 

$500 GC to Yellow Rose Meat Market  

3rd Prize 

Turtle Box

4th Prize 



Turkey Shoot Raffle Tickets 

1 Ticket for $10

5 Tickets for $40

History of the Turkey Shoot 

A tradition that dates back to the early 1970s. An event that hunters bring their kids out to teach them how to shoot, moms come to take pictures and for the bake sale, and families overall get to have a great time together. Our turkey shoot consist of a rigid backboard that holds 15 numbers (1-15) and fifteen 8 1/2 x 11 bull’s-eye targets. There is a secure shooting range set up for shooters at a distance of 25 yards from the targets sign-up sheets for 15 numbers and a designated prizes are offered to our participants. Each slot is a donation of five dollars. When a flight sheet is filled each contests name and number is called to shoot. The fire department supplies the shotgun shells and will issue one shell per shooter. All gauge shotguns are used except for 10 gauge shotguns. If you do not have your own shotgun the department will have extra to use. After all contestants shoot, the targets are removed and judged for the closest pellet to the crosshairs which is then declare the prize winner.

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